Allison's Poppin Paparazzi Shop

% Return on Investment
Based on 1st year sales directly attributable to the work performed

Who Are They?

Allison’s Poppin’ Paparazzi Shop is an an e-commerce destination offering a captivating range of Paparazzi Jewelry. With a passion for beauty and creativity, Allison, the owner, curates an exquisite collection that caters to diverse styles.

Customers can explore the virtual storefront or meet Allison at physical shows and events. Embracing affordability and empowerment, the shop aims to inspire confidence and self-expression through each handcrafted piece. Discover the magic of Allison’s Poppin’ Paparazzi Shop, where unique stories come to life through dazzling accessories.

Details & Challenges

The website build was a redesign on a live site. The owner, Allison, had used a basic WordPress Theme but never had time to really flesh out a design because she was too busy running her business.

In addition, the site was hosted at GoDaddy and didn’t have enough resources to run smoothly. This was causing untold issues and lost sales because the e-commerce platform, WooCommerce, requires a solid hosting environment to run smoothly.

Project Results

Based on 1st year sales directly attributable to the work performed
*How We Calculate ROI

We calculate ROI for our clients based on several factors. In some cases, customers will give us the number directly based on their own profit margins. In the absence of this information, we use a variety of analytics and action metrics combined with the price points of our clients' various services to estimate the ROI from work we perform for them.

Time to Complete

3 Weeks

What We Did for Them

The first thing we did was move the website over to our own hosting service that doesn’t oversell their servers. This change made the site stable enough to run smoothly before even experimenting with design changes.

Because this was a live online shop, the build had to be completed quickly. In order to meet this challenge, we created a copy of the site in a sandbox instance and then performed the redesign there. Once the development design was completed, we exported all of the new pages along with their settings and custom CSS to the live site. This ensured that all back-end functionality was completely undisturbed during the change.

We replaced the existing theme with Astra Pro and designed a nice front page with animations and custom CSS to make the site pop. We also made sure to keep the color scheme feminine and fun as per the Allison’s request.

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